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“The love expert”
Helen Fisher is an anthropologist and biologist,
born in 1945 in the United States.
Fisher currently works as a professor and
researcher at Rutgers University, New Jersey.
She is an expert on love, sex and relationships.
She has written books on issues such as the
evolution, biology and psychology of human
sexuality, on monogamy, adultery and divorce,
on brain differences between genders, neural
chemistry of romantic love and attachment, or
the biologically basis of human personality
types. Helen Fisher has studied why we fall in
love with one person and not another, what
happens when you start a relationship, why
young people live together before marriage,
and the future of relationships, what she calls
“slow love".
Helen Fischer maintains that human beings
have developed three brain systems for mating
and reproduction: sexual desire or libido;
romantic attraction or romantic love; and affection, or the deep sense of union with a long
time partner.
“Love can arise from any of these three
feelings,” explains Helen.
“Some people first have sex and then fall in
love. Other fall in love with someone, and as
a result have relationships. Others feel deep
affection for someone who they have known
for months or years; then circumstances
change and they fall madly in love and have
sex. But the three feelings are necessary:
sexual desire was developed so that we
would search for possible mates; romantic
love was generated so that we could focus
all of our mating energy on a single person
during a particular season; and affectionate
love appeared so that we could feel a deep
bond with this mate long enough to raise
children and form a team together".
Helen has studied marriage and divorce in
more than 80 societies, adultery in 42 cultures,
patterns of monogamy and desertion in birds
and mammals, and gender differences in the
brain and in behaviour.
Her best known books are: "Why him?" Why
her?: How to find and keep lasting love", and
“Why we love: the nature and chemistry of
romantic love".