Región de Murcia
Fundación Séneca

Felipe V y cien mil murcianos. Movilización social y cambio político en la Corona de Castilla durante la Guerra de Sucesión (1680-1725)

Fecha de lectura



Francisco Javier Guillamón Álvarez y José Javier Ruiz Ibáñez

Grupo de investigación

Historia Social de las instituciones: e30-05


Departamento de Historia Moderna, Contemporánea y de América de la Universidad de Murcia


Facultad de Letras


Universidad de Murcia






The War of Spanish Succession is the centre of a political transition in the Spanish monarchystarting in the final decades of Charles II -¿1680?- and covering the first period of the reign of Philip V -1724/1725-. This transition constitutes a period of accelerated mutation from the old patrimonial conglomeration of the Habsburgs to turn it into a kingdom which controlled most of the territories which shared the Iberian peninsula, the American viceroyalties and other possessions in Asia and Africa.

Despite this war being the instrument of our analysis, the objetive is not to reconstruct a military history of the conflict, but to understand the political changes which organize our reflection are given by the social action and the political change from which arises a third factor, which is the logical consequence of both: the loyalty discourse to the Bourbon monarchy constructed in the first decade ot the Enligthen Century.

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